What Causes Frequent Urination During Pregnancy Know The Reason Behind This

What Causes Frequent Urination During Pregnancy Know The Reason Behind This

Frequent Urination In Pregnancy: Pregnancy is a very beautiful journey. New mothers enjoy this journey. However, due to hormonal changes in pregnancy, one has to go through many physical changes as well. Problems also have to be faced. Mood swings, weight gain, swelling of legs, vomiting or nausea, apart from this, there is also the problem of frequent urination. Actually, due to the problem of frequent urination, women have to face many problems, due to the big stomach, there is difficulty in getting up and sitting during this time. In this article, we will know what are the causes of frequent urination in pregnancy and how to avoid it.

Reasons for frequent urination in pregnancy

Experts say that frequent urination during pregnancy is very common, it can happen due to hormonal changes. Let us tell you that due to frequent urination, the increase in the level of HCG hormone is most responsible. When the level of this hormone increases in the body, the blood circulation in the kidney of a pregnant woman increases, which is the reason why one has to urinate frequently. Whereas in the last months of pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases, due to which it becomes difficult for the bladder. Reduces the capacity and it is felt that the bladder is full and you need to urinate. Your diet can also be responsible for frequent urination in pregnancy. Often in pregnancy, we start consuming too much fluid. Due to this there can also be a problem of frequent urination. Apart from this, there is a high risk of UTI in the sixth week of pregnancy and in the 24th week. Due to this also you may feel frequent urination.

How to avoid frequent urination

1.During pregnancy, do not consume caffeinated things like tea and coffee. This can also be responsible for frequent urination.

2.Sleep only after drinking less water before sleeping at night, due to this you will not have to get up for urination again and again.

3.Consume fluids in moderation throughout the day.

4.To avoid this problem, do Kegel exercise during pregnancy. It strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor and relieves the problem of urination.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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